Friday, June 6, 2008

Don't Mess With the Link

Lists: The AC has a list of the ten best (or worst depending on your mileage) James Bond double entendres.
In honor of the surprisingly well-reviewed Kung Fu Panda (guess I'll be checking it out after all) Cinematical has a list of the least annoying Jack Black performances (you missed King Kong and Saving Silverman guys, but I am glad you remembered Jesus' Son).

Humorous: Collegehumor has a fun piece on what taking a class with Tim and Lex Murphy from the original Jurassic Park might be like today.
Steve Carell is very down for an Anchorman sequel. If it's set in the characters' future (which is to say the present) I'll be too.

Analysis & Appreciation: The AV Club did a nice sort of euology to the King Kong that was lost in the Universal Studios fire this last week. There's a video of the Kong encounter at the end. Reminds me I should go back to Universal one of these days.
The County Fair has an intriguing piece about the types of deaths in Disney animated films.

And finally here is something I think all my old New York theatre fan friends will enjoy. If this video did anything it reminded me that A) Nathan Lane doesn't always have to be over the top to be funny and B) It's been way too long since I've seen a show on Broadway, hmm maybe if I were to come visit in say...December?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heart Nathan Lane.