Advertisers seem to think you do. I mean I certainly know him and apparently he has been deemed a draw (which he is). However, I don't know if my favorite zombie killer/fuzz/Scotty-to-be has the renown to be the subject of many a billboard and taxi-ad all over New York. Don't get me wrong, statues and tapestries and topiary gardens should be made in this man's likeness but do YOU know who he is? And would you go see a movie starring him called Run Fat Boy Run? Answer yes or no in the comments please.
I personally would, but I completely understand what you're driving at... Most people won't. as a side note, I've seen Run Fat Boy Run, It was alright, not the funniest movie, but still entertaining. I don't know what to make of this friendship between Simon Pegg and David Schwimmer, who directed this film. and they both starred in The Big Nothing... weird.
Yes. Already did. I heart this man. I just recently finished "Spaced" which he co-wrote and acted in. You might like it if you haven't already seen it. The whole series is on YouTube.
My favorite Simon Pegg performance is in Mission Impossible: III. That's actually not a joke and is seriously my favorite Simon Pegg movie. Not that i don't love Hot Fuzz and Shawn of the Dead, i just REALLY fucking love M:I flicks.
yes, yes, a thousand times yes.
Yay! My commenters are super Pegg savvy.
Oh and Elaine I have most assuredly seen every episode of Spaced multiple times. I'm surprised that I forgot to mention it. Jessica Stevenson, rrrrrr, I'd fake being her roommate any day of the week.
Why did I even doubt...Of course, you've seen Spaced. What haven't you seen?
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