Friday, February 22, 2008

Be Kind, Re-Link

Oscars so close I can smell them. Here are some ways to fill the time until then.

OMAR'S COMIN'! If you live in Baltimore and are on my favorite TV show ever, The Wire, there are no two scarier words. But you dear reader can enjoy the actor who plays Omar, Michael K. Williams, from the safety of your computer right here.
It wouldn't be a Sickness Cinema link roundup without Amy Adams. Here is a kick-ass interview with the Advocate. Surprise, surprise, she was bugging Idina Menzel to sing during the entire shoot, awesome.

Samuraifrog has a thoughtful piece on the sexual undertones (and overtones) in QT's Death Proof right here.
Speaking of Grindhouse, the Deuce has you covered with their list of the 20 greatest grindhouse films of all-time here.
Matt Seitz has a very thoughtful piece on No Country here, even if I continue to wrestle with the film, it still bares reading about. (thanks to Etan for the link)
The New Yorker has an intriguing piece on the Coen's if that last article still leaves you hungry here.

The most overrated movies of all time according to AC here. I find myself doing more agreeing than disagreeing.
Entertainment Weekly takes a look at the 100 worst Oscar snubs of all-time here. Don't worry, Miss Adams, you're in good company.
A little late for Valentine's Day but here are five great screen-worthy declarations of love.

And I leave you with this: Behold a talented kid who in mere minutes proves to be more entertaining than the entirety of Across the Universe.

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